[ Bern
University |
Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics |
Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Gravity and String Theory Group]
Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics
Gravity and String Theory Group
Welcome to the
homepage of the Bern Gravity
and String
Theory Group!
Head of the Group
- Meer Ashwinkumar (joint appointment with the group of Susanne Reffert)
- (No position is currently available)
PhD Students
- (No position is currently available)
Master Students
- Ivan Begic
- Dominic Diem
- Niels Slotboom
- Geraldine Genz (from 09.2024)
- Norina Michel (from 09.2024)
Please note: due to lack of time and resources I am not available for the supervision of
external students or summer internships!
We are members of the NCCR (National Center of Competence in Research)
SwissMAP (The Mathematics of Physics)
Close links and interactions exist with the group of
Susanne Reffert
- Quantum Gravity and String Theory
- General Relativity
- Topological Field Theory
Current Activities
- Seminars and Journal Clubs:
- Conference Series: GeNeZiSS Mini-Conference Series of the Swiss String Theory
Next Meeting: Friday December 1 2023, Bern
- Public Lectures:
Physik am Freitag Public lectures on various aspects of physics
for high-shool students and a general audience (in German).
- Public Lectures:
Einstein Lectures
Recent (and not so recent) Activities
- Postal Address:
- Institut für Theoretische Physik
- Universität Bern
- Sidlerstrasse 5
- CH-3012 Bern
- Telephone: +41 31 684 86 26 (Matthias Blau)
- Secretary: +41 31 684 86 31
- Fax: +41 31 684 38 21
- e-mail: typically "lastname at itp.unibe.ch" (see the ITP Staff page for details)